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Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church

Photo Galleries Photo Galleries

Gallery Name Description # Photos # Views Last Photo Added
The First Family Gallery
Pastor Earl F. & Yvonne Jackson
1129 144369 20240317 6 months ago
(Mar 17, 2024)
30th Pastoral Anniversary Gallery
158 9833 20240329 5 months ago
(Mar 29, 2024)
30th Church Anniversary Gallery
140 7178 20141024 10 years ago
(Oct 24, 2014)
General Photo Gallery Gallery
211 85365 20190915 5 years ago
(Sep 15, 2019)
Our Dearly Departed
41 13825 20140313 10 years, 8 months ago
(Mar 13, 2014)
Sunday School Department Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Sunday School Department Photo Gallery
13 12947 20110702 13 years, 4 months ago
(Jul 2, 2011)
Youth Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Youth Ministry Photo Gallery
471 140992 20131222 10 years, 10 months ago
(Dec 22, 2013)
Womens' Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
213 90140 20111026 13 years ago
(Oct 26, 2011)
Men's Fellowship Photo Gallery (group) Gallery
Men\'s Fellowship Photo Gallery
1 1846 20140605 10 years, 5 months ago
(Jun 5, 2014)
Past Programs & Events 1656 396653 20140708 10 years, 4 months ago
(Jul 8, 2014)
2015 Gallery
111 12769 20150713 9 years, 3 months ago
(Jul 13, 2015)
Bible Study (group) Bible Study Photo Gallery 0 1368 (never)
2016 0 1145 (never)
DRMBC 2018 Gallery
A look at events of 2018
7 971 20181231 5 years, 9 months ago
(Dec 31, 2018)
36th Pastoral Appreciation (2020) 0 461 (never)
40TH CHURCH ANNIVEFSARY 2024 0 135 (never)
Minister's Ministry Photo Gallery (group) Minister's Ministry Photo Gallery 0 133 (never)
35th Church Anniversary Gallery
58 1001 20240317 6 months ago
(Mar 17, 2024)
2024 Ordination & Installation Gallery
Deaconess, Mothers & Deacons
12 172 20240329 5 months ago
(Mar 29, 2024)